Research Prize Recipients

2023Lachlan McIntyre
2022Anna KretowiczThe Quincecare Quagmire: Clarifying the Duty in Australian Law
2021William PorterDirecting the Sinking Ship - Where to From Here
2020Helen Dervan and Simon JensenReserve Bank of New Zealand decision-making – is a governance board the best option for prudential regulation?Joint recipient
2019Andrew LunardiFinance v2.0 - An Analysis of the Impact of Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Extensible Markup Language on Debt Capital Markets in AustraliaJoint recipient
2019Matthew PatersonDisclaimer Explainer: what are the legal consequences of disclaimer of real property under s 133 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (CTH)Joint recipient
2018Nicola HowellShutting the courts out: Developing consumer credit law when privatised dispute resolution dominates the landscapeFirst prize
2018Joseph AldahrArrangers beware, you owe a duty of care. The Golden Belt Sukuk: an analysis for Australian Debt Capital MarketsHonourable mention
2017Mitchell CleaverEquitable subrogation in Australia and EnglandFirst prize
2016Rosie ThomasRegulating financial product design in Australia: an analysis of the UK approachFirst prize
2015Ryan TurnerDebt for equity swaps and corporate restructuring under s 444GA of the Corporations Act
2014Jordan BoydResponding to bank failure: Evaluating Open Bank Resolution in New Zealand
2013Chris HareTracing Value and the Value of Tracing: Three Puzzles for the Banking LawyerFirst prize
2013Robert BoadleThe Anti-Deprivation PrincipleHonourable mention
2012Chris HareThe Duties of Bank Customers: W(h)ither Tai Hing?First prize
2012Sam HiebendaalThe Doctrine of Merger and Post-Judgement Contractual InterestHonourable mention
2011not awarded
2010not awarded
2009Ben SaundersHas the Financial Services Reform Act fixed the problems with Regulation of Securities and Derivatives?
2009Jennifer DevlinThe UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and its impact on maritime creditors
2008not awarded
2007Jeremy GreenThe Impact of credit derivitaves on corporate debt restructuringJoint winners
2007Anne-Marie NeagleCollateral retrieval in derivatives transactions: A collateral provider's perspective on posting collateral
2006not awarded
2005not awarded
2004Tim ScottCharacterisation and Protection of Lendersåä Interests in InsuranceFirst prize
2004Caroline PurtellHow to get a whole lot more out of your business - the importation of United Kingdom Whole Business Securitisation Technology into AustraliaHonourable mention
2003David KreltszheimThe Legal Nature of "Electronic Money"
2002Julian DonnanRegulating Ethical Investment: Disclosure under the Financial Services Reform Act
2002Carl BakerRecovery of Mistaken Payments under the Liggett Doctrine: A Banker's "Plan B"
2001not awarded
2000not awarded
1999Jacqueline LiptonSecured Finance Law & Practice in the Global Information Age.Honourable mention. No first prize awarded
1998Duncan Bentley & Patrick QuirkA Proposal for Electronic Transactions Tax Collection (ETTC) in the Context of Tax Driven Reform of Banking LawsFirst prize
1998Margaret YoungFloating Charge Restrictive Clauses and Unsecured Negative Pledge Covenants in Australian Corporate Debt FinanceHonourable mention
1997not awarded
1996Nora ScheinkestelDebt-Equity Conflict: Where does Project Finance Fit?Co-winners
1996Dr Michael G HainsThe Two-Sided Nature of a Futures Contract: Its Meaning and Relevance to OTC Derivatives
1995Allan McDougallPrudent Trustee, Managed Funds & Commonwealth Superannuation Industry
1994Ross Buckley1993 Revision of Uniform Customs & Practice for Documentary Credits
1993not awarded
1992not awarded
1991not awarded
1990not awarded
1989Greg FellingerLetters of Credit: The Autonomy Principle & the Fraud Exception